Editorial (Peer Review) Process

The editorial process for International Research Journal of Scientific Studies is designed to ensure that all published articles meet the highest standards of quality, validity, and relevance. The process involves a rigorous double blind peer-review system, which is fair, unbiased, and transparent. The following sections outline the detailed steps involved in the editorial process.
1. Submission of Manuscript
Authors submit their manuscripts to International Research Journal of Scientific Studies through our online submission system or via email. The manuscript should be in accordance with the journal's author guidelines, which can be found here. The manuscript should include title, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion,conclusion, references, and appendices (if applicable).
2. Initial Review
The submitted manuscript undergoes an initial review by the Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor to assess its suitability for publication in International Research Journal of Scientific Studies. The manuscript is evaluated based on its relevance to the journal's scope, originality, clarity, and overall quality. The Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor may consult with members of the editorial board or external experts to determine the manuscript's suitability for publication. If the manuscript does not meet the journal's standards, it may be rejected at this stage.
3. Peer Review
If the manuscript passes the initial review, it is sent to at least two independent peer reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. The peer reviewers are selected based on their expertise and experience in the field, and their ability to provide constructive and unbiased feedback. The peer reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on the following criteria:
- Originality and contribution to the field
- Clarity and coherence of writing
- Validity and reliability of methodology
- Significance and impact of findings
- Adherence to ethical standards
The peer reviewers provide detailed comments and recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor. The peer-review process is double-blind, meaning that the identities of the authors and reviewers are not disclosed to each other.
4. Reviewer Comments and Recommendations
The Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor reviews the peer reviewers' comments and recommendations. Based on the feedback, the manuscript may be:
- Accepted for publication without revisions
- Accepted for publication with minor revisions
- Accepted for publication with major revisions
- Rejected
The Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor may also request additional reviews or consult with external experts to determine the manuscript's suitability for publication.
5. Revision and Re-submission
If the manuscript requires revisions, the authors are provided with the peer reviewers' comments and recommendations. The authors are expected to revise their manuscript accordingly and resubmit it within a specified time-frame, usually 2-4 weeks. The revised manuscript should address all the concerns and suggestions raised by the peer reviewers.
6. Final Decision
Once the revised manuscript is received, the Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor reviews it to ensure that the authors have addressed the peer reviewers' comments and recommendations. If the manuscript meets the journal's standards, it is accepted for publication.
7. Copy Editing and Proofreading
Once the manuscript is accepted, it undergoes copy editing and proofreading to ensure that it meets the journal's formatting and style guidelines. The copy editor checks the manuscript for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, as well as consistency in formatting and style.
8. Publication
The final step is the publication of the manuscript in International Research Journal of Scientific Studies. The article is published online and is available for download from the journal's website. The journal is published monthly, and the articles are published in the next available issue.
9. Timeline
The editorial process typically takes around 1-2 weeks from submission to publication. However, this time frame may vary depending on the complexity of the manuscript, the availability of peer reviewers, and the speed of the author's revisions.
10. Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest
International Research Journal of Scientific Studies ensures that all manuscripts are treated with confidentiality and that the peer-review process is fair and unbiased. The journal's editors and peer reviewers are required to declare any conflicts of interest and to recuse themselves from the review process if necessary. The journal's editorial board members and peer reviewers are also required to maintain the confidentiality of the manuscripts and the peer-review process.
By following this rigorous editorial process, International Research Journal of Scientific Studies ensures that all published articles meet the highest standards of quality, validity, and relevance, and that the journal maintains its reputation as a leading publication in the field of scientific studies.